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Access to sea state processor code
The Ifremer/LOPS sea state processor code to compute Sentinel-1 Level-1B products from from Sentinel-1 IW TOPS and WV Level-1 SLC products is fully available in XSARSLC public repository.
L1B S1 SARWAVE product
The SARWAVE Level-1B SARWAVE product, developed by IFREMER, is designed to be a SAR expert product, conceived to ease the work on the inversion from cross-spectrum coming from intra-burst and inter-burst (overlapping) part of the SLC products. Available in 2 km and 17.7 km resolutions.
L1B S1 SARWAVE product description
Product description
The SARWAVE Level-1B product, developed by IFREMER, is designed to be a SAR expert product, conceived to ease the work on the inversion from cross-spectrum coming from intra-burst and inter-burst (overlapping) part of the SLC products. Available in 2 km and 17.7 km resolutions.
L2 S1 SARWAVE product sample
The SARWAVE Sentinel-1 IW L2 product sample shows the integrated sea state paramaters (significant wave height, mean wave period) estimated on the intra and inter burst grid from Sentinel-1 Level-1 SLC data. It has been developed by IFREMER.